Can You Wear it Even if You Don't Play Tennis?

Ask a jewelry appraiser about a tennis bracelet, and you might see a little twitch under her eye. That is because the more proper term for this style is a straight line bracelet or possibly an eternity bracelet.


A straight line bracelet refers to any bracelet made of gemstones that are set close together to completely encircle the wrist. They don’t have to be made of diamonds – we’ve seen some gorgeous color gem straight line bracelets come through the store over the years! – but they all feature a stunning line of sleekly set gemstones.

So why do so many people call them tennis bracelets today? Well, the term doesn’t go back that far! In 1987, when Chris Evert was playing at the US Championships, the clasp of her straight line diamond bracelet broke. We still wonder who decides to wear a diamond bracelet while competing in a sporting event! But it was good news for the straight line bracelet, because when Evert asked for the match to be suspended so she could look for the bracelet, the whole world suddenly became aware of this style of jewelry.

Straight line bracelets are actually a good choice for active women because they fit close to the skin, don’t dangle too much, and they’re flexible. When you put a straight line bracelet on in the morning, you’re likely to forget you’re wearing it all day, except when it catches your eye.

More recently, jewelry brands have created varieties of straight line bracelets that are longer and slinkier, which takes away from the timeless utility of the original style but does add some fun looks, particularly when they are made with color gemstones.

Keep an eye on our collection, because straight line bracelets (OK, tennis bracelets) turn up from every era. Look for older styles with miner cut diamonds (more on that term another time) for a truly special find. And if you ever want Ginger to keep her eye out for something special for you, just let us know! She loves being on the hunt for antique jewelry for you, and nobody has a better eye.

Ginger Cleland